Saturday, July 9, 2016


  1. 1.  Convert octal number 536 to its equivalent
    EBCDIC can code up to how many different

    hexadecimal number ?


    a. 15 E
    b. 15 D
    c. 14 D

    a. 256
    b. 16  c. 32

    d. 13 E
    e. None of these

    d. 64
    e. None of these

    ASCII stands for

    A byte consists of

    a. American Stable Code for International

    a. One bit
    b. Four bits
    c. Eight bits


    d. Sixteen bits
    e. None of these

    b. American Standard Case for Institutional
    The term bit is short for:


    A. megabyte.
    B. binary language.

    c. American Standard Code for Information

    C. binary digit.
    D. binary number.


    e. None of these.

    d. American Standard Code for Interchange
    (55)8 in binary will be ------


    b) 101010

    e. None of these

    c) 101101

    EBCDIC stands for

    e) None of these

    a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
    (36)10 in binary will be ---


    a) 11111

    b. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code

    d) 101011

    c. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code

    e)None of these

    d. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
    What is the base of Hexadecimal number system ?

    e. None of these.

    a) 8
    b) 10
    c) 16
    4.  The octal equivalent of 111010 is

    d) 2
    e ) none of these

    a. 81

    (11001)2 = ( )10

    b. 72

    a) 24

    c. 71

    e) None of these


    Base of octal number system.

    e. None of above

    a) 10
    5.  The most commonly used standard data code to

    e)None of these.

    represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation
    The binary representation of hexadecimal 'C3' is

    characters used in electronic data processing

    a. 1111
    b. 110011

    system is called

    c. 110001
    d. 11000011

    a. ASCII

    e. None of these

    b. EBCDIC

    The ASCII code is for information interchange by a

    c. BCD

    binary code for

    d. All of above

    a. numbers only

    e. None of these

    b. alphabets only

    6.  Instructions and memory address are represented

    c. alphanumeric and other common symbols


    d. None of these

    a. Character code

    The ____________ number system is also known as

    b. Binary codes

    decimal notation.

    c. Binary word

    A. arithmetic
    B. binary

    d. Parity bit

    C. base 10
    D. base 2

    e. None of these

    E. None of these

    7.       Which of the following code used in present day computing was developed by IBM Corporation?
    a.  ASCII
    b.  Hollerith Code
    c.  Baudot Code
    d.  EBCDIC Code
    e.  None of these.
  2. ·         Any computer parts that you can actually touch are considered to be (Hardware ).
  3. ·         The box that contains the central electronic components of the computer is the  (SYSTEM UNIT).
  4. ·        Devices, such as monitors and printers, that are connected to the computer are called (peripheral devices)
  5. ·         A(n) ____________device enables you to enter data and instructions into the computer (INPUT DEVICE)
  6. ·        ____________, when attached to a computer, can translate a user’s handwriting into digital input. (DIGITIZER OR GRAPHICS TABLET).
  7. ·        most common input devices are the ____________ and the ____________. ( KEYBOARD AND MOUSE)
  8. ·        most common keyboard uses the ____________ layout ( QUERTY).
  9. ·         The ____________ key and the ____________ key can be used in combination with other keys to perform shortcuts and special tasks.( CONTROL AND ALT)
  10. ·        The Delete key, Num Lock key, and Caps Lock key are considered ____________ keys because their function changes each time you press them. (TOGGLE KEYS)
  11. ·        I-beam or an arrow is known as the mouse (POINTER).
  12. ·        A ____________ is the traditional way to enter data into a PDA and can be used on Tablet PCs for handwriting recognition (STYLUS)
  13. ·         A ____________ is an output device that creates tangible hard copies. PRINTER
  14. ·        The diagonal distance, measured in millimeters, between pixels of the same color is called (DOT PITCH)
  15. ·        ____________ printers have tiny hammer-like keys that strike the paper through an inked ribbon (IMPACT  PRINTER).
  16. ·         Inkjet printers and laser printers are examples of ____________ printers.(NON IMPACT PRINTER)
  17. ·         ____________ are large printers used to produce oversize pictures that require precise continuous lines, such as maps and architectural plans.
  18. ·         A printer’s speed is measured in: (PPM ).
  19. ·        Restarting the system when it is already powered on is called (WARM BOOTING).
  20. ·        is when the computer saves an image of the desktop and powers down (HIBERNATE).
  21. ·         ____________ data and programs are stored in the hard drive.(PRERMANENT)
  22. ·        Hard disk drives are considered ____________ storage (NOT VOLATILE MEMORY)
  23. ·         ____________ are devices used to transmit data over telecommunications lines. (MODEM)
  24. ·         The ____________ port sends data one bit at a time and is often used to connect a modem to the computer. (SEREAL )
  25. ·        The ____________ port transmits data in groups of bits, is faster than a serial port, and is generally used to connect a printer (PARALLEL).
  26. ·        The ____________, housed inside the system unit, regulates the wall voltage to the voltages required by the computer chips( SMPS)
  27. ·         The ____________ enables your computer to connect to other computers. (NIC).
  28. ·         ____________ is referred to as primary storage (RAM)
  29. ·         RAM is considered volatile storage, which means it is: (TEMPORARY OR VOLATILE MEMORY).
  30. ·         ____________ is a form of permanent memory that holds all the instructions the computer needs to start up and does not get erased when the power is turned off.( ROM).
  31. ·         ____________ speed is measured in nanoseconds. (RAM).
  32. ·         A(n) ____________ is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of information between computing devices. (NETWORK )
  33. ·         Storage devices, such as floppy disk drives and Zip disk drives that are no longer standard on many new computers, are known as ____________ technologies.( LEGACY)
  34. ·         ____________ is a series of small cards (called memory cards or memory modules) that plug into slots on the motherboard. (RAM)
  35. ·         ____________ devices, such as monitors, modems, and printers, are devices that are externally connected to the computer. PERIPHERAL
  36. ·        A(n)____________ mouse uses an internal sensor or laser instead of a rollerball, and therefore does not need a mousepad.  (OPTICAL).
  37. ·        ____________ keyboards have a much shorter range than radio frequency (RF) keyboards (BLUETOOTH)
  38. ·         ____________ technology allows a person sitting at a computer equipped with a personal video camera and a microphone to transmit video and audio across the Internet. (VEDIO CONFRENCING)
  39. ·        In ____________ systems, you operate your computer through a microphone, telling it to perform specific commands or translate spoken words into data input. ( SPEECH – RECOGNITION )
  40. ·         Two power-management settings on a computer are ____________ and ____________. (hibernation and Stand By mode)
  41. ·        ____________drives, sometimes referred to as jump drives or thumb drives, are a newer alternative to storing portable data. (FLASH )
  42. ·        ____________ is the largest printed circuit board to which all other boards are connected. (MOTHERBOARD).
  43. ·        ____________ is the storage space nearby the CPU where data and commands are stored and can be located, opened, and delivered to the CPU for processing in a few billionths of a second (RAM).
  44. ·        Devices such as digital video cameras, MP3 players, and digital media players benefit from using a(n) ____________ port, one of the newer and faster interfaces available, which can transfer data from 400 Mbps to 800 Mbps (FIRE –WIRE).
  45. ·         Thermal printers are ideal for mobile computing because they are compact, lightweight, and require no ink cartridges.
  46. ·        USB ports can connect a wide variety of peripherals to the computer, including keyboards, printers, mice, and digital cameras
  47. ·         Match the following ports with the devices most likely to be connected to them:
  48. ·         I.     VGA port                     A. flash drive
  49. ·         II.    parallel port                B. monitor
  50. ·         III.   serial port                    C. printer
  51. ·         IV.  Ethernet port            D. modem
  52. ·         V.    USB port                      E. DSL or cable modem (Answer: B, C, D, E, A)
  53. ·         Match the following terms with their meanings:
  54. ·         I.     stylus                                            A. an input device used to enter data on a PDA
  55. ·         II.    hertz (Hz)                                    B. the clearness or sharpness of an image
  56. ·         III.   resolution                                   C. temporary
  57. ·         IV.  volatile                                         D. a unit of frequency indicating cycles per second
  58. ·         V.    system unit                                E. contains the central electronic components of the computer
  59. ·         Answer: A, D, B, C, E
  60. ·         Match the following terms with their meanings:
  61. ·         I.     peripheral devices   A. an example of permanent storage
  62. ·         II.    modem port              B. external devices that exchange data with the computer through ports
  63. ·         III.   dot-matrix                  C. an example of an impact printer
  64. ·         IV.  ergonomics                D. an example of a connectivity port
  65. ·         V.    hard disk drive          E. the science involved with minimizing the risk of injury or discomfort
  66. ·         B, D, C, E, A
  67. ·        The memory which is utmost accessible to the processor is (CACHE MEMORY).
  68. ·        High density double sided floppy disks could store _____ of data (1.44 MB)
  69. ·         . which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second? (DRAM)
  70. ·        Which of the following memories not needs refresh? (SRAM)
  71. ·        A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is (BUFFER )
  72. ·         Instructions and memory address are represented by (BINARY CODES)
  73. ·         . The memory which is programmed at the time (PROM).
  74. ·         In magnetic disks data is organized on the
  75. ·         platter in a concentric sets or rings called (TRACK)
  76. ·         concentric circles on a hard drive (TRACK).
  77. ·         the time it takes a storage device to locate and retrieve stored data  (ACCESS-TIME)
  78. ·         . pie-shaped wedges on a hard drive (SECTOR).
  79. ·         IBM stands for International Business Machines.
  80. ·         Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second. (DRAM).
  81. ·         A collection of 8 bits is called.( 1 byte or 1 Character ).
  82. ·         The BOOT sector files of the system are stored in (ROM ).
  83. ·         Which of the following is exclusively a sequential access storage device.( Magnetic  Tape).
  84. ·         The concept of virtual memory:
  85. ·         Cache memory -- faster to access than DRAM
  86. ·         In processing cheques which of the following I/O techniques have banks traditionally used (MICR).
  87. ·         Type of RAM that is NOT temporary is NV RAM.
  88. ·         ROM is type of ------------ FIRMWARE.
  89. ·         The container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a (SYSTEM UNIT).
  90. ·         Numbering system in which all numbers consist of only two digits-0 and1 (BINARY NUMBER SYSTERM)
  91. ·         The communications web for the entire computer system. ------------ SYSTEM BOARD
  92. ·         Consists of a tiny circuit board etched on a stamp-sized square of silicon (CHIP).
  93. ·         Tells the rest of the computer system how to carry out a program’s instuctions. ---------- CONTROL UNIT.
  94. ·         Performs arithmetic operations and logical operations. (ALU)
  95. ·         The most common type of microprocessor. ---------- (CISC CHIP).
  96. ·         A plastic card, the size of a regular credit card, with an embedded chip.  (SMART CARD READER).
  97. ·         Volatile storage that holds the program and the data the CPU is currently  processing. ---( RAM).
  98. ·         Temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU (CHACHE MERMOY).
  99. ·         Produces precisely timed electrical beats used as a timing mechanism (SYSTEM CLOCK)
  100. ·         Machines manufactured so that users cannot easily add new devices. (closed architecture)
  101. ·         Also called plug-in boards, controller cards, adapter cards, and interface cards. ---( EXPANSION BOARD ).
  102. ·         Card that allows distant computers to communicate, via converted elec-  tronic signals, over telephone lines. ------- MODEM
  103. ·         Credit card-sized expansion boards used by portable computers. --------- (PC CARD).
  104. ·         Connects the parts of the CPU to each other. ------- DATA BUS
  105. ·         Connecting socket on the outside of the system unit. ------- PORT.
  106. ·         Connects external devices that need to send or receive a lot of data over a short distance. ---- (PARALLEL PORT.)
  107. ·         Connects input and output devices to the system unit via the ports. (CABLE).
  108. ·         You organize files by storing them in (FOLDER).
  109. ·         Where are data and programme stored when the processor uses them? (MAIN MERMORY).
  110. ·         What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM) makes it useful? (Data in ROM is non-volatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power ).


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